SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Popular apartment rentals site, RentLingo announced a new feature that allows renters to predictably determine how noisy a location is before moving in. The company pulls in data on current construction, nearby businesses, roads, public transportation and more to determine the noise levels day and night. This product is the first of its kind.
RentLingo, which has already made inroads on apartment reviews sees this as a natural extension. “We feel like we’re fundamentally in the business of creating transparency. Getting more insight into the noise level of a place was one of our most requested features from our users. We feel strongly that providing this data more openly is ultimately good for renters,” Dan Laufer, RentLingo’s CEO says.
Laufer was able to draw on this from a personal experience, “I had previously rented an apartment in Atlanta and when we toured, it seemed very quiet. What we didn’t realize was that there were two different trains passing by the property that you couldn’t see or notice on the tour. But it was very noisy!”
While noise is a major concern, RentLingo’s CTO Byron Singh is quick to note that it shouldn’t necessarily be viewed negatively. “Many of the most popular – and most expensive- apartments are in noisy locations. That’s to be expected because many people like living near city centers. But it is important to note there are noisy places where you may not expect it, which can be frustrating to renters. And there are quiet places, even near many city centers for those who want the best of both worlds.”
RentLingo is surfacing the new insights in several ways: on its own site (with a noise index page) and on every property page on the site. And they are launching syndication partnerships with a couple select partners with plans to expand it more widely in the near future.
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