NEW YORK, NY - Trepp, LLC, the leading provider of information, analytics and technology to the CMBS, commercial real estate and banking markets, released its July 2013 U.S. CMBS Delinquency Report.
One year ago, the Trepp CMBS delinquency rate reached an all-time high of 10.34%. This month, the delinquency rate for US commercial real estate loans in CMBS dropped to 8.48%. This represents a 17-basis-point drop since June's reading and a 123-basis-point improvement since the start of 2013. The July 2013 level is the lowest Trepp delinquency rate since September 2010.
July's rate decrease was the third time in the last four months that the Trepp CMBS delinquency rate fell. Only a four-basis-point increase in May interrupted the recent gains seen for delinquencies. This fairly consistent improvement can be largely attributed to high levels of CMBS loan resolutions. July had $2.05 billion in loans resolved—up significantly from $1.25 billion in June and $858 million in May. Also contributing to fewer delinquencies were $1.08 billion of loans that were cured during the month of July. However, July saw $2.39 billion in newly delinquent loans, which measured almost twice the total posted in June.
Among the major property types, office and multifamily loans saw big improvements, each with over 40-basis-point declines. The remaining property types saw negligible movements in their rate. Retail is the best preforming major property type, while industrial is the worst.
"After a rough month for CMBS market in June—with rising interest rates and widening spreads—everyone was on tenterhooks about future issuance," said Manus Clancy, Senior Managing Director at Trepp. "July saw the return of stability and the forward looking calendar for new deals is full. This should bode well for continued improvement in the delinquency rate going forward."
For additional details, such as historical delinquency rates and July delinquency status, request the July 2013 U.S. CMBS Delinquency Report at
Source: Trepp / #RealEstate #Economy