AUSTIN, TX - Now that temperatures are beginning to heat up around the state, the Texas Apartment Association (TAA) is urging its more than 10,700 members to promote its “Neighbors CARE” program to residents of rental housing. TAA members represent more than 1.8 million rental housing units in Texas, which house more than 4 million Texans.
The “Neighbors CARE” program, established in 1998, advocates awareness of heat stress symptoms and encourages rental housing residents to CARE for their neighbors to help minimize the potential for someone suffering heat stress.
“Apartment communities offer the advantage of neighbors living in close proximity to each other,” said George B. Allen, CAE, TAA Executive Vice President. “Experts tell us one of the best ways to prevent heat-related tragedies is for neighbors to look out for each other and check on each other regularly. That’s what we’re asking our members to encourage their residents to do.”
TAA and its 25 local affiliated apartment associations around the state are promoting participation in the Neighbors CARE program. Materials including tip sheets for apartment owners and managers, tip sheets for residents, heat-stress precautions from the Texas Department of State Health Services and general information to promote the Neighbors CARE program are posted on the TAA website at
The Neighbors CARE program encourages rental housing residents to:
Check on your neighbors daily—especially the elderly, who may be more susceptible to heat stress, and those on fixed incomes who may be concerned about expensive utility bills.
Always take precautions to prevent heat stress. Remember, everyone is susceptible to the effects of heat stress.
Report any concerns you have about the health and safety of your neighbors to the proper authorities. Report any problems with air conditioning equipment promptly to management.
Educate yourself, your friends and neighbors about the signs of heat stress and steps to prevent it.
“We’re also asking our members and their residents to support, where available and possible, the utility company bill check-off programs that allow individuals to contribute money to assist with the utility bills of those less fortunate,” Allen said. “We’re asking members to support fan collection and distribution drives as well.”
The Texas Apartment Association is a trade association representing rental housing owners, managers and companies that supply services to the rental housing industry. The Austin-based association has more than 10,700 members who own or manage more than 1.8 million rental housing units in Texas. TAA has 25 local affiliated associations in markets around the state.