MCLEAN, VA - Freddie Mac announced that it will begin to provide expanded quarterly disclosures on its portfolio of multifamily loans and the company's multifamily K Certificate securities.
Beginning in June 2011, Freddie Mac will provide the disclosures about its portfolio of multifamily loans on the multifamily securities page of the company's Website. Each quarter, Freddie Mac will update disclosures that will include a time series of multifamily loan-level performance information. The new multifamily disclosures will include information on original loan terms; identifiers for prepaid loans, defaulted loans and delinquencies; property information; and dates of real estate owned (REO) sales.
Additionally, Freddie Mac will begin providing expanded disclosures on its K Certificates, structured pass-through certificates backed by multifamily mortgage loans. The expanded K Certificates information page of the company's Website, will include information on collateral credit quality and transaction snapshots of K Certificates, including closing date, balance and delinquency data.
Freddie Mac was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation's residential mortgage markets. Freddie Mac supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Over the years, Freddie Mac has made home possible for one in six homebuyers and more than five million renters.
Source: Freddie Mac