Pay-Per-Lead Myths

Pay-Per-Lead Myths
RentLinx recently released our much anticipated Plus! service and the launch has been wildly successful! We've added many great partners and our members are signing up every day to get additional advertising exposure!

Plus is a little different than traditional "pay per property per month" advertising. Plus! operates on a per-lead basis. This means the listing is free and you only pay $10 when a unique renter calls or e-mails you.

Most property managers have never seen or used a per-lead advertising service (it's a far cry from newspaper classifieds) so understandably we have gotten some questions and objections. I would like to use use this post to dispel some of the "pay-per-lead" myths!

MYTH: Paying every time the phone rings is crazy
FACT: Any time you pay for advertising you are paying every time the phone rings, you just don't know how much. For example, if you place an ad for $100 and get 4 phone calls, not too bad, right? But in reality, you just paid $25 per phone call.

MYTH: If I pay per-lead I'll end up paying way more than if I paid per month
FACT: If you carefully measure your other ads performance, I think you would be shocked to learn you are probably paying up to $40 per lead. Additionally, with any "per month" ad you risk paying good money for nothing if you never hear from an interested renter. Per-lead is the no-risk method to generate leads!

MYTH: I'll end up paying every time my phone rings
FACT: RentLinx properties have been getting about half of their leads for free after they go Plus! With Plus! your basic leads are always free, and you never pay for duplicates, vendors, current residents or any other non-rental related call.

MYTH: It's a hassle to get a refund if a vendor calls
FACT: Refunding a lead is done with one click and is applied instantly. You can refund a lead yourself through our website or call or e-mail us for a refund as well.

MYTH: Paying per-lead will end up costing me a lot of money
FACT: With our per-lead pricing, you choose exactly what you pay. For example, you could set a $100 per month cap and take two of your properties Plus! We then advertise both properties on all of our premium partner websites (a value of over $400/month). If you never hear from an interested renter, you don't pay a dime. If you DO hear from 10 interested renters from those premium websites, your properties are simply reverted to the basic service and you continue to get your free leads.

MYTH: Once I sign up I'll keep paying for months on end
FACT: If you sign a lease after your first lead, you can revert your properties back to basic with one click. There are no contracts and no obligations. You only pay for what you get and can cancel at any time.

MYTH: I'll just end up paying for unqualified renter leads
FACT: It is true that not every lead will result in a lease, but our pricing is set at $10 so you can afford to hear from some renters that don't pan out and still get a signed lease for dirt cheap!

MYTH: Paying per lead is silly when there is a free option
FACT: The free basic service is great, but you will receive many more leads if you go Plus!. Consider the cost of your unit staying vacant. You could go Plus! this month, hear from TEN additional interested renters (at an average cost of $5 each because 5 will be free) and lease it up now. If you only use the basic service it may take an additional month or two before your unit rents, a significant lost opportunity.

Going Plus! is easy! Just login to RentLinx and click the "Go Plus!" button. If you have any questions about Plus! our would like to sign up over the phone, give us a call at 800.510.5469! We'd be glad to chat!

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