Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance
Over the last couple of years I've read various articles regarding "Green Building Technology", "Benefits of Green Building" and "LEED Certification" all posted on various websites. For the most part, I've found these articles to be very informative and many offer great ideas to improve your carbon footprint and implement environmental initiatives.

Unfortunately, what I didn't find was any articles or any information on how an Environmental Management System (EMS) that utilizes International Standards Organization (ISO14001) elements can also offer considerable benefits to any size multifamily organization.

I have experienced first hand the benefits of an Environmental Management System which offers any size organization the ability to change from a culture of reaction to one of proactive decision-making as it relates to increasingly complex environmental regulations. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a system of this type;

• Reduce vulnerability to environmental violations, fines and penalties
• Reduce your companies risk and liability
• Avoid lawsuit actions
• Enhance company reputation
• Reduce employees injuries
• Increase worker productivity and moral
• Reduce pollution
• Helps an organization to improve overall environmental performance and stewardship, and
• Improve relationships with regulators and the community

Environmental regulatory compliance is forecasted to become more stringent and demanding for our industry in the near future. Unfortunately the multifamily industry has been somewhat slow in embracing the elements of an EMS which can identify causes of environmental problems and then eliminate the root cause.

We are all facing the same common environmental issues for our industry that include, Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint management, Mold, Stormwater management, Household Hazardous Waste management, Underground Storage Tanks, and Universal Waste of batteries, fluorescent, mercury devices, and used electronics in many states.

Is any organization currently utilizing any portion of an Environmental Management System program of any type?

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