Nightmare on IKE street

Nightmare on IKE street
Can you top this one?

One of our communities sustained heavy damage from Hurricane Ike in Houston. Even though we are more than 50 miles form the coast, the roofs were blown off 7 buildings. The residents lost most if not all of their belongings and the units had to have everything replaced down to the stud walls.

About 6 weeks after the storm, Our Maintenance Supervisor was walking to the office and saw contractors tearing down 2 patio fences (each about 10 feet long). He asked what they were doing and they said they were replacing the patio fences. Our Maintenance Supervisor walked to the office and asked the Manager if she had ordered the patio fence replacements (as these 2 were in pretty good shape). She said no, so they decided to walk back to the apartments and see what was going on.

When they arrived, the workers, the patio fences and all of the evidence were gone!!

Our guess is, these workers went to the wrong community and noticed it only when asked by our Maintenance Supervisor.

What a nightmare Hurricane Ike turned out to be!! And even the rehab afterwards continues to be a nightmare!!

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