How Deep Should We Go

How Deep Should We Go
You want to be all things to all people when building a website like The issue becomes, who are these people and what do they exactly want you to be? So, we have these “What If” sessions. Sounds like fun or what? This leads us to the Directory. See, the Directory is more than just Vendors – though in theory we are all Vendors of something. We are letting apartment communities, condos, student housing, etc. list themselves. We say they are Vendors of housing units! Now let me shake this out for you. The Directory has 21 main categories and 734 sub-categories. Deep enough for you? You can post some pretty deep info here, including an “About Us” section that appears when you click a company name and go to their data card. The whole thing is Free by the way! Is this way cool or what?

So, where is the “What If” you ask? Take a look at our tools; you can email a listing and text it to a mobile phone. The “What If” came into play when we think of the guy in the field, building something, repairing something, etc. and he needs to locate supplies or contractors. He is on the phone to the office, they are looking up Vendors for him, he is looking for a pen – need we go on? Text them to him, right off the website. See where “What If” can take you? So, the moral to this story is, deep services coupled with deep categories make for some pretty deep “What If” sessions.

In our quest to be all things to all our multifamily peps, we got to roll.

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