Gone Green Yet?

Gone Green Yet?
Ok, we changed all the light bulbs to the ones that look like a pig's tail and have been turning out the lights when we leave for the day. Now what? Solar panels to run the servers would be cool! Yes, we have joined the going green craze and now websites are trying to go green as well. Man, all that research for the Hooters orange down the drain.

No, they are not so much changing colors as content. Major corporations, stores, bloggers, etc are either preaching green or telling you what they are doing to be green. You see, green is cool; it is the new tied dye shirt of sorts. Since Al Gore hit the airwaves with his Movie / PowerPoint on Global Warming, millions of causes have sprung up pushing the green movement. The bulk of these causes use the power on the Internet to get the word out. We hit up our friends at Google (they went green also) with the keyword "Going Green" and we get over 10-million results. See, green is important to the housing industry; that is why when we built this monster website we created a "Going Green" resource, equipped with carbon footprint calculators, recycling locators and other cool green widgets. Our industry needs to think green, be green and use more green resources. We can all make a difference one light bulb at a time.

Now I better go check my carbon footprint……

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