Real Estate Marketers Find Technology Channel

Real Estate Marketers Find Technology Channel
We all read the doom and gloom headlines on the for-sale housing market; but as many of us know, things run in cycles. For-sale market is down, rental market is up. One thing the last few years has shown us is the adoption of technology in the real estate market. You will be hard pressed to find a major condo project without a video on YouTube. The video creations we have seen are truly amazing; some actually walk you through the entire building like you are there. Stick it in YouTube for free and it ends up all over the web; that is powerful.

Now our friends in the rental market are starting to take notice to how these "Channels" like YouTube can bring value. In fact, our friends at have an impressive number of property videos on YouTube. Their videos are crisp, clean and do an incredible job of showcasing the properties. We see them staying ahead of the curve and bringing more value to their clients by offering another channel to help market their property. We like the way these guys think. In fact, we noticed they threw a video over on Biz, way to go guys! Bring all of them over and PS, you can list each property in the Marketplace Lease Section (free) and link the video to the listing. Now, that is Biz Power!

Mash-up anyone?

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