Webcast Is Up/Live, Building Insurance Trends

Webcast Is Up/Live, Building Insurance Trends
As promised...the recording of our most recent webcast, *Multifamily Building Insurance, Emerging Trends* is up and ready for your access - -at the url below:


As you listen to this webcast...did we answer your specific questions related to this topic? Which portion of the webcast was most helpful? What action steps will you and your team take - -to implement the key strategies we presented? What additional questions do you have…related to this webcast? Did you have additional questions related to your specific apartment building and real estate insurance needs?

For apartment and real estate building insurance news and trends + additional real estate building insurance webcasts - -surf the url below,


We've been hosting monthly educational PowerHour webcasts like this one - -since 1995 and hope you will join our future/upcoming webcasts.

For a complete list of CEO thought-leadership webcasts, surf the url below:


And a special thanks to MultifamilyBiz.com for the hosting of these webcasts at the url below:


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The Coach,


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PowerHour [ http://www.powerhour.com ], PowerHour SEO [ http://www.powerhourseo.com ] and Power Insurance & Risk Management [ http://www.pirmg.com ], a worldwide property management industry professional + coach + trainer + recruiter + national apartment building insurance + investment banker + SEO/SEM experts + national WiFi Solutions
[ http://www.powerhour.com/propertymanagement/apartmentwireless.html ], since 1988

Author of SmartMatch Alliances, http://www.powerhour.com/propertymanagement/smartmatchalliances.html

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